
12/29/20 Free-Flow Writing Afraid to speak Afraid to cry Afraid to lean Afraid to be Afraid to hear Afraid to move Afraid to think Afraid to do. Fear awakes me. Fear pushes me. Fear pains me Fear binds me Fear blinds me Fear denies me Fear deceives me Fear robs me....

Too Many Days

From 12/13/20 Writing A writing from a little one who said the words to be written in our book and ok to share. Too many days to number. Too many days to feel Alone, fear, loss, anger, Confusion, pain, grief, shame, overload, tears, cry, blame, sorrow, dirt,...

Difference Matters

10/3/2022 Who to feel and how to feel Who to feel and how to say What matters in the say Who to feel and who to say What difference does it Matters who to hear and Matters what and how they hear Matters what and their power to do Matters the value they see and hear...

The Merry Go Round

Free Flow Poem 2/6/21, Sat. 4:06a.m. Who am I? Where am I? What difference does it make? None. Life goes on. Who am I? Where am I? Who’s to say? Anyone, Everyone. All have their say. Off again. On again. What does it mean? They notice the inconsistencies of me. What...


1/3/21 Sat. 10 a.m. A free written poem. Coming to life in the days of buried, where can life be found? What is its purpose to be at this time? Did it ever have a choice or a chance? Lost in presence, lost in time, Here and never, always a part of time. Wanting and...

To Be

1/2/21 To be and breathe is a passage of time. To move and think is a chore in time. To realize self and feel is a challenge to achieve. To touch and be the awakened life is an art form to maintain. To stay connected to the awakened life is to some hopelessly...