My Worth In 1993

You Are No Good You Are the Worth of a Slave You Are For Other People’s Pleasure    I am a mother and a wife. I am no good! I live with my pain.   It cost too much to…   My guidelines or rules set in the home are a conflict to schedules. My plains are a...

Where I Am

7/18/22 Mon. 9:51am      There has been the thought, the desire, and even the should write in “our book” and yet the inability to do so. Even now there is not the freedom inside to catch up, to write our recent history or write where we are in what is going on within...

The Issue Is Identity, The Issue Is His Love

6/30/15 The issue is identity the issue is His Love. Love, the personality, needs an infusion of His love for her identity. All these different attacks of the enemy in my face, in my being, in my life, is to keep me distracted from the next depth revelation of His...

His Presence

04/21/17 You are still blessed and highly favored.   Walk in the praises of Him and thanksgiving for all He has done and who He is and wants to be for you. His promises are real and true and so is His presence with you even in times you may not feel it.   Hold to His...

The Forming Of My Journey

10/13/2020 As an adult, about seven years ago, I was finally able to start mourning for my fraternal twin brother and wept deeply for the first time from the loss of his presence, his movement, his sound, heartbeat, and I no longer had the awareness of him who had...


12/12/15 My thought is to write something from my perspective that one day might be of help to someone else who is going through similar things as I. Do I claim to have the “corner on the market” on this and similar challenges like this? No way. There are people out...