1/3/21 Sat. 10 a.m.
A free written poem.

Coming to life in the days of buried, where can life be found?
What is its purpose to be at this time?
Did it ever have a choice or a chance?

Lost in presence, lost in time,
Here and never, always a part of time.
Wanting and never wanted.
Want lost in the presence of time.
Want, desire always bow to time.

Time robs, removes, time never friendly.
Time a presence, time a thing,
Ever ticking, ever present.
Ever ticking, never seeks to communicate.
Ever drilling its sound and its silence.
Time out lives, ever passes and stays the same.

Time my captor, non-relenting,
Time passes and never passes.
Never a purpose, no desire.
Only that within it passes and never was.
Life and breath a thing imagined, never felt.
Life and breath never real in the presence of time.